It’s been a while since I heard a Haitian government anti-corruption in Haiti for real. Well, Michel Martelly Government Fight against Corruption in Haiti real hard right now to find out why Haiti couldn’t move forward.
President Michel Martelly and Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe
President Michel Martelly and Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe just launch this program against corruption and lot of people start mumbling and some are thinking to make a move already. I bet if the follow the money trail, they will catch them all, bring them to justice and cease the asset until proving innocent.
Michel Martelly Government Fight Against Corruption In Haiti first case
The operation, which was conducted in the city of Port de Paix, resulted in the arrests of three executives of the regional office of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training and the National Credit Bank.
The corruption ring reportedly included evidence of embezzlement, forgery and money laundering.
Another 40 suspects are awaiting hearing by relevant authorities, according to the Prime Minister’s office.
The operation identified 3.7 million gourdes (approximately $87,140) associated with the suspects; those funds have now been frozen, according to the PM. read more
what do you think about this situation regard Michel Martelly Government Fight Against Corruption In Haiti. Please comment below pou fe opinyon pa!