Haiti Anti-Corruption toll free Hotline| Rele Haiti Gratis toll free Hotline The 24-hour hotline accepts allegations in English, French, and Creole. Haiti aba-Corruptyon rele gratis 24 sou 24 an anglais, francais et kreyol
Complaints can be made to the hotline by calling at (509) 3701-7089 or (509) 2513-7089, toll free
Sending a text message, at *550 in Haiti
Rele pou pote plente nan nimyo gratis sa (509) 3701-7089 or (509) 2513-7089
voye sms, nan *550 en Haiti
Sending or voye Email (anticorruptionhotline@hushmail.com)
or Mail, at:
La Fondation Heritage pour Haiti
Section Haitienne de Transparency International (TI)
Boite postale 16136
Bureau Postal de Petion-Ville
Petion-Ville, Haiti NT 6140